Wholesale Services


At Winnipeg Textile Recycling Corp., we offer baled untouched credentials are very competitive prices.

Always Sorted And Paired​

All used shoes are sorted to ensure that only pairs of shoes are shipped out.

Charity and Non-Profit Services

As a social enterprise, Winnipeg Textile Recycling Corp. is committed to working with local charities and other non-profits to meet their needs and the needs of the community


Green Revenue Generation

We work with charities and non-profits to turn excess in-kind donations into monetary revenue that can be used to finance other social programs for the charity/non-profit.


Pro Bono Lean Consulting

We work with charities/non-profits to help maximize their space and increase efficiency of processing donations by providing free LEAN Six Sigma advise on operations management.


Increased Brand Awareness

We partner with charities/non-profits on textile recycling campaigns. This increases the brand awareness of the charity/non-profit, allowing more people learn about their cause and support them not only through textile donations, but also with monetary donations.